Why use our Data Capture Service?

If you don't have a database we can build one for you from your own client data

We can build a database for you using either your hand written or printed forms, invoices, dockets etc and using our skilled team in Wrexham can get these keyed in to a database that can be used repeatedly. The initial investment is well worth it as you will have an important business asset that can be used to communicate to your customers again and again.

Confidential data capture

As we often take data from sensitive sources your data will be kept in our secure data centre in Wrexham and will not be outsourced to third parties or home workers. If you already have a database we can add to it using our data capture service and then deduplicate afterwards to ensure you just have unique records that meet your specification. All data entered is verified against Royal Mail's PAF to ensure the highest possible address quality.
Accurate service from our secure Wreham offices
Hard copy is returned to you by secure courier
Addresses are PAF Validated for increased accuracy
Quick turnaround & data is deduplicated afterwards

Data verification

Instant data verification. As part of the data capture process we validate all addresses against Royal Mail's PAF to ensure they are postally correct and compliant.

Your data is Safe

Secure site. All our data capture is done on site at our Wrexham offices and is not outsourced to home workers. Upon completion the hard copy records are then secured and returned to you by secure carrier.

Variety of source information

Data capture of many different sources. We can capture your data from many different sources including invoices, delivery notes, coupons, estimates, exhibition attendees and many other sources.

Extra data including emails

Email, SMS and extra data. We can also capture any extra information that you may hold such as email addresses and telephone numbers but these are harder to validate but we can make sure the format is correct.
Upon completion, your source material will be returned to you by secure carrier or destroyed, subject to your specific instructions

Contact our sales team on 01978 784600 to find out more